ИН4С портал

Vaccinated Reason and Unleashed Power

4 min read

Few people have pushed the boundaries in their work like Novak Djokovic in tennis. And beyond it. The court on which this versatile man plays is endless. He has managed to get everywhere to cheer, lift and support


By: Mišo Vujović

Few people have pushed the boundaries in their work like Novak Djokovic in tennis. And beyond it. The court on which this versatile man plays is endless.

He has managed to get everywhere to cheer, lift and support.

His Kosovo and Metohija is not a folk song inspired by spite and alcohol, but a vow for those who will want, know and be able to liberate and defend the earth and the sky above it even after us. Serbia in his chest is not only the anthem and patriotic decor on the podium of the winner covered with a flag, but everything that makes us a nation that swears to God’s justice. A nation that, because of the truth, has been persecuted, spilled, drowned, diluted, broken and crucified countless times. Massacred several times in just one century.

But he still remained true to himself even when, on this day, he decided on the adventure of retreating through Albania, lighting the Christmas oak branch on Mojkovac, from whose sparks gushed the fire of freedom on Kajmakchalan.

Long is the list of feats of this young man whose bush has become a vast forest in which today this little, unconquered and unvaccinated mind can be sheltered from the devil. Melbourne is just a cliff from the top of which today they throw away everything that God has blessed, but what was also slobbered by the devil with his passion. Today, Melbourne is an experimental pigsty for making the meaning and human dignity meaningless. A pit in which one enters bottom-first, on four legs. And Melbourne is not isolated because of some non-aligned mutant who will eventually shape the distorted creators of this plague. It is no wonder that even kangaroos retreated in time before the long-legged and long-fingered intruders.

Just as reason has given way countless times. Let us remember that the great world staggering of the 1930s began with the racist outburst of the “savior of the world” towards one athlete. Jesse Owens!

Who remembers him today? No one! But the times we live in are reminiscent of the main protagonists of these events. It is absurd today, after the suffering of tens of millions of people from Nazism, to argue whether Hitler shook hands with Owens or not, just as the ban on the champion participating in Melbourne will become an introduction to everything it ultimately entails.

How is the world different today from the time of the 1936 Berlin Olympics?! Are there any differences, except in unbridled technological progress and rushing into a new agony? As a rule, always more tragic than the previous one.

The world is divided, almost to the brink of a great war. The arms race is accelerating. New hotspots are activated overnight.

Instead of Poland, Ukraine is being targeted today, as a trap for breaking up Russia.

The ambience for the big persecution of Novak Djokovic has been shaped over the years in different parts of the planet. From the US Open, where he patiently “turned” the emotions of the audience in his favor, whistles in London and Paris and now shameful torture in Melbourne, behind which there is no rational or medically justified reason. Only a brutal attack on the basic human rights of one of the most successful athletes in the world of all time.

It is also evident that the political motives of this act go beyond the internal problems of the Australian authorities due to the Covid 19 pandemic, and that they are only a consequence of the decision to forcibly dethrone an invincible Serb who rejected WHO recommendations on Covid 19 vaccination.

The ban on the nine-time winner of this competition to compete is an unequivocal message for the rest of the hesitant and disobedient in the ATP caravan, as well as preventing the establishment of a new competition system that would be headed by Novak Djokovic.

The Australian Open is just an excuse to start a final clash with a man who no longer agrees to be a kind of well-paid gladiator.

Djokovic’s reform announcement of the possibility of forming a new ATP tour has obviously accelerated the procedure of his elimination from the top of world tennis.

And while Djokovic is being treated as a prisoner in Melbourne, social networks are burning, and not only from tennis fans but also some politicians of undefined gender who have no contact with tennis, such as Vlora Citaku, even less with common sense, but the elevated testosterone levels do not only drive them toward inappropriate aggression against the great athlete and gentlemen, but also blind them to look at their own positions more objectively.

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15 thoughts on “Vaccinated Reason and Unleashed Power

  1. @XXX….
    Nemoj Tako, Prijatelju…. Nemoj Tako, Dobri Moj….
    Da me Zlosrecni Udes ne Odnese od Kuce, Majke i Crne Gore….
    Mene i Ljude kao Ja…. Mozda se ne bi Dogodio Montenegro???….
    Mozda bi bilo Lakse Braniti Srpski od Maternjeg sa Mojim Narodom?….
    Nego Samotnjacki, Kao Vuk Samotnjak, Lutati Okorjelim Svijetom….
    Slaviti SrBstvo, Braniti SrBstvo…. Prkosno Govoriti da Pripadam….
    Onom „Genocidnom“ Narodu…. Placati Cijenu…. Cijena je Velika….
    Ali Ljubav je Jedna i Nedodirljiva…. Majka je JEDNA….
    Danas je SRPSKA Moja…. Srbija Je Moja….Ako Mi DOZVOLITE….
    Ostavih Najljepsu Mladost u Nasem Bijelome Gradu…. Na Starom Gradu….
    Moramo se Zajednicki Boriti i za Moju i Nasu Crnu Goru….
    Za Srbe, Srpski Jezik u Crnoj Gori…. I GOVORITI SRPSKI JEZIK Nasem Narodu….
    Ovo je Ideja Mojeg Komentara…. Mozda Mi Nismo Visoki, Mudri Politicari….
    Poznavah Politicare i Diplomate, koji Zbog Postenja, Platise Visoku Cijenu….
    Nije Ovo Vrijeme za DIPLOMATISANJE sa Portala…. Na „Drugom“ Jeziku….

    1. Hvala Nikola, Poboru Moj…. Nasa Lijepa Sestra Olivera….
      „NAIVAN je Onaj Ko Vjeruje da ce se Ovo Vrijeme Vratiti….
      BEZ SRCA je Onaj Ko ne Zali za Ovim Vremenom…. ~Putin

  2. @ Potonja Nevjera
    Why not? Let’s English speaking World read the truth! Наравно, ми који говоримо и пишемо српски то све знамо. Што се тиче борбе за српски језик у ЦГ, требало је да се сјетите мало раније. Још онда кад су Милови подрепаши као тадашњи министар образовања Бацковић уводили „матерњи“! Пуно је времена изгубљено и предуго сте трпјели ДПС диктатуру и малтретирање. Сад је теже.

  3. IN4S…. Vujovicu…. Why in English?….
    Is it a fight for the Serbian Language in Montenegro?….
    Zasto Braco na Engleskom? Jeste, Mnogi znaju Engleski….
    Danas se Borimo za Srpski Jezik u Crnoj Gori…. Za Narod….
    A Vi Promovisete „Neki Drugi“…. Ciju Borbu Vodite?….

      1. Zdravo Vera, Sestro….
        Tu Sam…. Prisutna u Zivotu Mojeg Srpstva….
        Nesto Rijecju, Nesto Suzom, Najvise Istinom….
        Podrzavam Rod Moj…. Danas Naseg Novaka….
        Ne Daju Nam Mira…. Niti Slobode….
        Sjecam se Prorocanskih Rijeci Moje Majke U Zadnjem Pismu:….
        „Bojim se, Nece Ostaviti ni Nas SA TRI PRSTA“….
        (Misleci, Koji se Krstimo sa Tri Prsta)…. Borba Traje….
        Cujemo se Opet, Draga Vera, Divna Sestro….
        Balerino Tete Ruske Plemenite…. Kceri Gospodska Roda….

        1. Hvala, Duso, opisujes i moje muke, nade, strepnje.
          Vise sam naklonjena brizi Tvoje majke.
          Plasim se da necemo imati mjesta ni za tu jednu
          Sljivu iz prorocanstva Tarabica ( Rio Tinto = konacno rjesenje ).
          Pozdravljam Te iz Tvog omiljenog Starog Grada. Branim se da idem tamo gde
          sam bila posle odlaska iz domovine.
          I ja oduvek islim da nam se ovo sve dogodilo (i dogadja) zbog neprirodnih
          migracionih tokova.

    1. Ovaj tekst je namjenjen sirenju istine van granica srpskog govornog područja. Niko od stranih medija nece preuzimati tekstove na srpskom.
      U tome je sustina. Miso je toliko napisao na srpskom i doprinio ocuvanju istog da moze do kraja zivota i na mandarinskom da pise.
      Nemamo mnogo ovakvih pisaca.
      Sjajan tekst Mišo, svaka čast!

      1. Razumem ja to sa engleskim govornim podrucjem.
        Ali, ovaj portal je za NASE ljude.
        Miso odlicno pise. Medjutim ne verujem da iko
        od „engleza“ cita IN4S.
        A, mi zaglupismo od iskvarenih englenizama
        u nasoj svakodnevnici. Svaka druga radnja ima
        „englesko“ ime. Zbog toga podrzavam „Potonju Nevjeru“
        Pozdrav Velestovo.


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