Запад: Ако Русија призна Косово, може узети Крим
1 min read![](https://www.in4s.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/putin8.jpg)
Аустријски лист ,,Der Standard“ пише да је Запад изразио спремност да Русији да Крим уколико руски предсједник Владимир Путин призна Косово.
Западне дипломате намјеравају да пред предсједника Русије изађу са јасном понудом. Они ће му дозволити да после референдума прими Крим у састав Руске федерације, али за узврат Русија мора да призна Косово као државу.
,,У данашњем свијету једна ствар је потпуно јасна: свако ко на показивање моћи реагује позивајући се на међународно право у старту је изгубио“, пише у поменутом листу.
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Nije dugo trebalo da se ceka pa da rezultati stupidne americke politike na Balkanu budu vidljivi. I sta sada? Ako Rusija prizna Kosovo to znaci uspostavljanje poretka po kome ce se otcijepiti California, Arizona i New Mexico kad se uspostavi Hispano vecina, a to ce biti za manje od 10 godina. Kako ce onda Boopsi (popularno ime za sluzbenice Dept. of State tipa Victoria Nuland) da to objasni poreskim obveznicima? Rusi naravno nece priznati Kosovo, jer ih boli uvo za zapadno priznanje Krima. Evo jednog konkretnog komentara obrazovanog amerikanca i sta on misli o ukrajinskoj krizi:
Allen Wilson
3/12/2014 04:36 PM
Considering that Putin is a far more competent and intelligent dealer in world affairs, and seems to have ice in his veins in hot situations like this, my prediction is that he will come out ahead in the end, and when it is all done we may look back and realize that this was the time when American prestige finally vanished and the world quit listening to the US about much of anything at all. American leaders do not appear to understand that this is a make-or-break confrontation for the US as well as for Russia, and we can’t afford to back down, much less lose, which of course we will. How can we not lose, with the likes of Obama, Kerry, et. al., at the helm, sailing upstream against Putin’s Russian winter? They don’t even have long sleeve shirts on, much less sheepskin coats. I don’t want the US to be humiliated in such a big way, but maybe it will be a bit of bitter medicine that we sorely need. Prediction: an independent Crimea, perhaps eventually joined by the other districts in the southeast adjacent to Crimea and Russia. Eventually they will be part of Russia, while Ukraine eventually has another revolution against the current regime, perhaps after the economic hardship brought on by EU membership, as the Ukrainian people blame the power-grabbers for that and for causing Ukraine to break apart in the first place; then a pro-Russian government in Ukraine. Meanwhile Belarus will snuggle up even closer to the big bear for security’s sake. Either a Russian-aligned Ukraine, or a Finland type Ukraine, will be inevitable in the long run.