Pismo predsedniku SAD-a Donaldu Trampu
4 min readPiše: Mišo Vujović
Predsedniku SAD
Gospodinu Donaldu Trampu
Poštovani predsedniče Tramp,
Narod kome pripadam već odavno je deo psiho-mentalnog i hemijsko – biološkog eksperimenta koji je, poput arsenala nuklearnih projektila, eksplodirao širom planete.
Srbi, Vaši saveznici u dve velike vojne, još devedesetih, po nalogu onih istih centara moći, čiji je cilj danas vaša glava, ciljno su odstreljivani i obezglavljivani, trovani osiromašenim uranijumom i raznim biološkim otrovima o čemu svedoče na desetine i stotine hiljada obolelih od kancera i retkih autoimunih bolesti, ranije nepoznatih na ovim prostorima.
Srpski narod je, svojim slobodarskim principima, suprotstavljanju germanskom inperijalizmu u Prvom svetskom ratu, nacizmu u Drugim svetskom ratu stekao tradicionalne neprijatelje, koji su zajedno sa pomenutim centrima moći devedesetih godina organizovali krvavo cepanje Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, nastale na ostacima istoimene kraljevina koju je krvlju od 1 500 000 života u Prvom svetskom ratu stvorio srpski narod. Stradala je jedna četvrtina stanovništva Srbije.
No neću vas zamarati istorijskim činjenicama ili lamentom nad sudbinom svog naroda u čijem je, biološkom i istorijskom kodu hrišćanski arhetip stradanja, zbog ideala slobode i Boga pravde koga u svojoj himni priziva.
Podsetiću Vas uvaženi predsedniče na dve bitne činjenice : Srbi su krajem 14. stoleća prvi zaustavili prodor islama na Zapad, spašavajući hrišćansku Evropu čije su podele dovele islam pod kapije Beča. Zbog te činjenice danas su Kosovo i Metohija više od teritorije i taj mit se ogleda na svakom pedlju te svete zemlje ukrašene neprovenljivim kulturnim blagom.
Gde u svetu na tako malom prostoru, osim Jerusalima i Svete Gore, postoji 1300 hrišćanskih bogomolja?
Drugo: U dvadesetom veku srpski narod se prvi suprostavio islamskom međunarodnom terorizmu, najpre u Bosni, kasnije na KiM. Sada kada duboka država kreće u osvajački pohod biološkim oružjem, jasno je ko je formirao Isis, Al Kaidu i zašto su Srbi bombardovani u Bosni 1995. i SR Jugoslaviji 1999.godine. Jasno je, sa ove distance zašto su svi nacistički saveznici pod istim kišobranom kao i zašto ponovo isti lobisti pokušavaju da Republiku Srpsku proglase genocidnom tvorevinom. Nemojte zaboraviti da Vas je većinski podržala i podržava, ogromna srpska zajednica u Americi.
Povod mog obraćanja je javno manifestovanje morbidnog cinizma i pretnji novim razornim virusom, jednog od kreatora biološkog rata Bila Gejtsa i njegova neskrivena strategija o depopulaciji planete ili ubijanja ljudi virusima i vakcinama. Čuvarima mraka ili Dubokoj državi kojoj se od predsednika Linkolna do Vas suprotstavio jedino predsednik Džon Kenedi, krenula je u opšti rat protiv čovečanstva.
To što je neko, sedeći na milijardama dolara,umislio da je obezbedio adekvatnu zaštitu od nekog virusa u velikoj je zabludi. U ratu zaštićenih i moćnih nema. A svako oružje je bumerang.
Čuvajte snagu i energiju, usredsredite se na sprečavanje haosa u Vašoj zemlji,koja se nalazi na ivici rata. Vaši protivnici su bombardovali i razorili Srbiju. Svesni smo i tada i danas da je Amerika samo sredstvo u njihovim rukama i da će goreti ako procene da će na njenoj lomači profitirati.
Stoga Vas molim uvaženi Predsedniče, da se ne rasplinjavate “mirom po svetu”, uspeli ste da pacifijujete nekoliko ozbiljnih pretnji, kao što je kriza u Korejskom poluostrvu, podigli ste ekonomiju, ali ste i dalje “incidentna pojava” okružena hobotnicom duboke države. Zato ste dobili haos i preteću katastrofu pred predstojeće izbore.
Ukoliko ne uspete da oslobodite Ameriku iz satanističkih kandži svet će postati još gore mesto od Danteovog “ Pakla”.
Želim Vam da svoju zemlju vratite pricipima zacrtanim u preambuli Ustava SAD iz 1787. godine gde decidno stoji:
“ Mi, narod Sjedinjenih Država, da bismo stvorili savršeniji Savez, uspostavili Pravdu, osigurali unutrašnji mir, pobrinuli se za zajedničku odbranu, unapredili opšte Blagostanje i obezbedili Blagodati Slobode i sebi i svome potomstvu- propisujemo i donosimo ovaj Ustav za Sjedinjene Američke Države”.
Braneći i poštujući Ustav SAD branićete i pravo malih naroda na slobodu, demokratiju i suverenitet!
U ime tih vrednosti Vas pozdravljam i želim Vam trijumf u ratu dobra i zla!
Mišo Vujović
Novinar i publicista
Mr. Donald J. Trump
President of the United States of America
Dear President Trump,
I belong to the nation that for a long time has been a part of a psycho-mental and chemical-biological experiment that, like an arsenal of nuclear missiles, exploded across the planet.
Serbs, your allies in two great wars, were targeted and beheaded back in the 1990s, poisoned by depleted uranium and various biological toxins, as evidenced by tens and hundreds of thousands of cancer patients, and rare autoimmune diseases, previously unknown in this area, by the orders of those same centers of power, whose goal today is your head.
The Serbian people, with their libertarian principles, opposition to German imperialism in the First World War, Nazism in the Second World War, gained traditional enemies, who together with the mentioned centers of power in the 1990s organized a bloody split of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – a country created by the Serbs who have lost 1,500,000 lives in the World War I. One-quarter of the population of Serbia were killed.
But I will not bother you with historical facts or lamentation over the destiny of my people, in whose biological and historical code the Christian archetype of suffering is, because of the ideals of freedom and the God of justice when he calls in his anthem.
I remind you, Mr. President, of two important facts:
First: At the end of the 14th century, the Serbs were the first who had stopped the breakthrough of Islam into the West, saving Christian Europe, whose divisions brought Islam under the gates of Vienna. Due to that fact, today Kosovo and Metohija are more than a territory, and that myth is reflected on every inch of that holy land decorated with untold cultural treasures. Where in the world in such a small area, apart from Jerusalem and the Holy Mountain, are there 1,300 Christian places of worship?
Second: In the twentieth century, the Serbian people were the first to oppose Islamic international terrorism, first in Bosnia, and later in Kosovo and Metohija. Now that the deep state is embarking on a conquest campaign with biological weapons, it is clear who formed Isis, Al Qaeda and why the Serbs were bombed in Bosnia in 1995 and FR Yugoslavia in 1999. It is clear, from that distance, why all Nazi allies are under the same umbrella as well as why the same lobbyists are again trying to declare the Republic of Srpska as genocidal creation. Do not forget that you were mostly supported by the enormous Serbian community in America.
The reason for my address is the public manifestation of morbid cynicism and the threat of a new destructive virus, one of the creators of the biological war, Bill Gates, and his undisguised strategy of depopulating the planet or killing people with viruses and vaccines. To the Guardians of Darkness or the Deep State, which from President Lincoln to you, was opposed only by President John F. Kennedy, it started a general war against humanity. The fact that someone, sitting on billions of dollars, thought that he provided adequate protection against a virus is a big mistake. There are no protected and powerful people in the war. And every weapon is a boomerang.
Save strength and energy, focus on preventing chaos in your country, which is on the brink of war. Your opponents have bombed and destroyed Serbia. We are aware, then and today, that America is only a tool in their hands and that it will burn if they estimate that they will profit from its bonfire.
Therefore, I kindly ask you, Mr. President, not to dissipate „peace in the world“, you have managed to pacify several serious threats, such as the crisis in the Korean Peninsula, you have raised the economy, but you are still an „incident“ surrounded by deep octopus. That is why you got chaos and a threatening catastrophe before the upcoming elections.
If you fail to free America from Satanist clutches, the world will become an even worse place than Dante’s „Hell.“
I wish you to return your country to the principles set out in the preamble to the 1787. US Constitution, which states emphatically: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. „
By defending and respecting the US Constitution, you will also defend the right of small nations to freedom, democracy and sovereignty!
In the name of these values, I greet you and wish you a triumph in the war of good and evil!
Miso Vujovic, Journalist and publicist
Daće Bog da se nešto promijeni posle sto i kusur godina , isto nas doživljavaju i saveznici i neprijatelji sa nama se potkusuruju. Nijedna građevina nije mogla ostati od saveznika da ne pričam o ljudima i prodajama ubijanju nevinog naroda … Dobiješ rat slave te a nas manje za milion već dva puta … Bravo za tekst nek se bar čuju ove riječi…
Mišo veliko ti hvala, na ovim riječima u ime svih mislećih srba …
Zabulaj pismo pa ga što prije pošlji, jerbo vrijeme ističe a US Post Office može bit da zagubi tvoje pismo jer kako Trump veli, oni nemogu donijeti pismo na vrijeme iz Vašingtina u Merilend. Hahah
A vrijeme teče, pa ste postaraj da Tramp dobije ovu tvoju poruku o enormnoj Srbskoj zajednici u SAD u za koju josh niko nezna da je Norman…” Do not forget that you were mostly supported by the enormous Serbian community in America”…
O.4% od populacije SAD a.
Što bi reka da ik ima ka Iraca? Hahaha
“ Ljude možemo podeliti u dve grupe, jedne koji su misleći i koji liče na pčele,
i one druge, za koje neko drugi misli i koji podsećaju na muve.Pčele su opčinjene cvetovima, a muve procenite sami…“.
Vladeta Jerotić